Cottage Health 2020 Culture Audit

Business Description 6.21 Please provide us with a brief description of your company’s primary business in lay terms. Include a description of your primary industry, products and/or services, and main customers and competitors. 6.22 EXECUTIVE EFFECTIVENESS: Please help us understand the approach your executive team takes to developing and managing its business strategy. What is the “true north” or over arching philosophy that defines why you do what you do and guides your business decisions? (Please share examples of what this looks like in practice and how employees at all levels of the organization apply it.) How did you develop your strategy? Who was included and how? How is the strategy being implemented and communicated to all levels of the organization? Continue 11/119 Start | Contents | Highlights | Business Description | Hiring & Welcoming | Inspiring | Speaking | Listening | Thanking | Developing | Caring | Celebrating | Sharing • Business Description 6.21 | 6.22