Cottage Health 2020 Culture Audit

Supplemental Materials Cottage Concussion Clinic Flyer Robotic Surgery Flyer April 2019 Grand Rounds Flyer PDF PDF PDF Concussion Discussion As an educational extension of the Concussion Clinic at Cottage Children’s Medical Center, Concussion Discussions are community events held multiple times a year to educate parents, coaches and healthcare providers about concussions in children playing sports. “As our knowledge of concussion and its impact grows, it is increasingly important to have a place in our community and region where kids can go to get up-to-date care and treatment,” Dr. Stephen Kaminski, Medical Director of Trauma Services and Surgical ICU at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, explained. Grand Rounds and Events Grand rounds in Psychiatry and Pediatrics provide staff with first hand opportunities to learn from experienced caregivers. Other events like Cottage Health’s “Test Your Robotic Surgery Skills” give employees the chance to use our DaVinci surgical robots on objects (not patients) to better understand the capabilities of our robotic surgery department. PSYCHIATRIC GRAND ROUNDS April 2019 SantaBarbaraCottageHospital PsychiatryandAddictionMedicine Department invitesyou toattend itsApril2019presentation. Wednesday,April10,2019 Noon to1:30PM SantaBarbaraCottageHospital Amphitheatre HANDLINGEMOTIONSCONSTRUCTIVELYAND CHANGINGNEGATIVETHOUGHTS JudeBijou,MA,MFT,Psychotherapist Regardlessofprofessional training,weand thosewe servehave two things incommon: ingrained layersofunexpressedemotionsandnonproductive thinking.Emotionsaredefinedasanatural instinctive stateofmind derived fromone’scircumstance,moodor relationshipswithothers. Groundbreaking insightsaboutemotions, feelings,and thoughtsbring to lightalternativeways toexpressemotionsconstructivelyandchangeold patternsof thinking, resulting ineffectiveandpowerful transformations. Thispresentationoutlines sixemotions,correlates themwith thoughtsand feelings,andoffers straightforwardandpractical tools tocreate tangible joy, love,andpeace. Integratingeastern spiritualityandwestern reliability, thisapproach isbasedonAttitudeReconstruction,whosepremise is thatunexpressed sadness,anger,and feararebehindnegativeattitudes. Emotionsarenothingbutpurephysical sensations,andby releasing that energy,we thinkmoreclearly,hear intuitionbetter,communicatemore lovingly,andact in linewithourhearts.Learnhow to recognizehabitual destructive thinkingandofferboth time-testedcontradictory thoughts anda simpleand systematic technique toassistclients to internalize positive thoughtandemotions. Afterattending thispresentationparticipantswillbeable to: 1. Identify the sixemotionsand their influenceonhealthandwellbeing. 2. Describe the importantdistinctionbetweenemotionsand feelings. 3. Recognizedestructive thoughts,bornofunexpressed sadness,anger, fear,anddiscoverwhatcontradicts them. JudeBijou,MA,MFT , is thedaughterofpioneerchildbehavioral psychologistDr.SidneyW.Bijou.SheearnedaBA fromReedCollege in Portland,Oregon,andanMA inpsychology fromCarletonUniversity inOttawa,Canada.She isa licensedmarriageand family therapist in privatepractice residing inSantaBarbara,CA.where shehasbeen serving individualsandcouples formore than35years. Jude’sapproachblendswestern innovationandVedicphilosophy from India to transformemotionswithdoable toolsofempowerment.She isa 96/119 Start | Contents | Highlights | Business Description | Hiring & Welcoming | Inspiring | Speaking | Listening | Thanking | Developing | Caring | Celebrating | Sharing • Developing 6.30